Monday, January 31, 2011

Houston Marathon..........

Houston Marathon Slideshow

I was lucky enough to be able to go shoot some photos of CanCare at the Houston Marathon and also do the 5k!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

CATWALK FOR A CURE...............

I had such a BLAST at the event today! I've never been to a real fashion show before, it was so amazing. The clothes were soooo beautiful! I was so touched by the bio that was read about me at the event, what an honor to be there and be able to be their Survivor Honoree! I'm so glad I was able to have my loving husband and wonderful mother-in-law there with me to share this moment with.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Lindsay Foundation....Charity Golf Tournament

The Lindsay Foundation is a great foundation that helps families with children that have special needs. If it weren't for all the volunteers and people that come out to the events to help support the foundation it would not be possible for The Lindsay Foundation to help all those amazing kids! I personally enjoy working with them. They are the only foundation I work with that is not centered around cancer only. Thanks guys for allowing me to come out once again and photograph your event!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wilms tumor no more....................

Vinny is a one year old sweet baby boy who was diagnosed in June of 2010 with a Wilms tumor in his kidney. He under went surgery to remove it. I met this family at a foundation event that I was shooting and offered them a photo session. I am so glad they said yes, just look at what a cute family they are! Vinny enjoys watching movies, wrestling with his big brothers, and talking. It is so clear to see how much Vinny's big brothers love him. I am so glad I had a chance to meet this sweet family! Thank you for allowing me to take these photos for you.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Amschwand Sarcoma Cancer Foundation......

Team Sarcoma.....two by two! This event was held in the Galleria to raise awareness for Sarcoma. I love to see foundations in action and meet all the faces of cancer. To learn more about this global event you can go to

To learn more about this foundation you can go to

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mothers Against Cancer Foundation.............

Mothers Against Cancer is a Foundation that dedicates it's self to raising funds for the research necessary to lead to a cure for all forms of childhood cancer. All funds raised go to Texas Children's Cancer Center.

This event involved children with cancer and cancer survivors. I was amazed at the energy these kids had. I wish I could of had more time with these families to get to know them and their stories. I just enjoyed so much being around these children. What courage they have!

Photos taken at the event will be used to make a calendar. Funds will go to Texas Children's Hospital.

I was able to have Christina with CM Photography help me shoot this event. She did a great job!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Have you ever meet someone who leaves you speechless, in a good way? I have and her name is Suzanne! She is a mother of 3 children and a wife. She enjoys watching her kids play sports. Suzanne just finished her last round of chemotherapy last week!!! What a huge accomplishment!

She found out about Faces of Cancer through CanCare. I was so excited about meeting her. Before we met I went out to her website she has to keep friends and family updated. You can go out to her site to read more on her,
I was so impressed with what I read, she said " I am bald, brow less, but not broken."

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