Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Soul Searching............

Cancer isn't always a bad thing, I know, I had it and it saved my life! I am now wanting to give back. I've been going through a transformation this year and it's been amazing! I am so proud of myself and I've never been able to say those words till now. I've been touched by the spirit in so many ways and been prompted to take photos of people with cancer and cancer survivors. When I started the photography journey I wasn't sure where it would take me until now.

I will be focusing on taking photos for people with cancer and cancer survivors! I am so deeply touched by children with cancer and can't wait to have the chance to work with them.

My feelings on doing this is people with cancer already pay soooo much in medical bills and to charge them for photos, just isn't right. I like the idea of taking photos of cancer survivors to give hope to those with cancer. Also, I know when I had cancer I didn't feel pretty and to be able to make someone feel good about themselves gives me such joy. I also like the idea of the person with cancer being able to look back on those photos and say "wow, look what I accomplished"!


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