Monday, May 10, 2010

M.D. Anderson speech..............

I gave a speech in September 09 at M.D. Anderson (the hospital where I received my treatment). It was a full circle moment for me. I was so grateful to have my husband, children, parents, and sister there to support me. Dr. Mendelsohn (president of MDA) is the man in the photos with me. My speech was on employee appreciation. I was so honored to be there and have the opportunity to give thanks to MDA. My speech.....................

A 22 yr. old dancer who had osteosarcoma just finished her chemo a short 8 months ago called me worried she would never dance again. She wanted to know if I was able to do things now that I did before surgery. I told her YES. She then let me know how unhappy she was with how her surgery turned out and how she was in constant pain. I asked her if she was treated at M.D. Anderson and she said NO. All I could think was how grateful I am to have had my treatment here at M.D. Anderson.

I had the most wonderful team treat me. Dr. Robert Benjamin in the osteosarcoma department and his 2 nurses Tammy and Valerie. And it’s because of them I am a wife to the most amazing husband ever, a mother to 4 beautiful children, a sister to 3 older sisters, a daughter to parents who took care of me through out this whole ordeal, a niece, a granddaughter, and a friend.

Thanks to that team working so closely with my High Risk OB during that time, I was able to give birth to a healthy 3lbs 10oz baby girl.

Thanks to Dr. Webber, Dr. Chen and all the staff who assisted them in my 13hr. long surgery I am able to walk, ride a bike, play sports, roller blade, exercise, play on the floor with my children, and all the things I did before surgery.

All because of the employees of M.D. Anderson, I am able to enjoy life after cancer!
It is because of you that the letters I wrote to my 2 beautiful little girls in case I died will NEVER be read.

Then and now may we salute the medical professionals of M.D. Anderson who labored and labor so hard to treat, nurse, test, record, consult, fax papers, answer phones, clean, and many more of these endless tasks that are required of them on a daily basis.

Because of all of you fulfilling those requirements… was possible for me to be here today!


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