Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mothers Against Cancer Foundation.............

Mothers Against Cancer is a Foundation that dedicates it's self to raising funds for the research necessary to lead to a cure for all forms of childhood cancer. All funds raised go to Texas Children's Cancer Center.

This event involved children with cancer and cancer survivors. I was amazed at the energy these kids had. I wish I could of had more time with these families to get to know them and their stories. I just enjoyed so much being around these children. What courage they have!

Photos taken at the event will be used to make a calendar. Funds will go to Texas Children's Hospital.

I was able to have Christina with CM Photography help me shoot this event. She did a great job!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Have you ever meet someone who leaves you speechless, in a good way? I have and her name is Suzanne! She is a mother of 3 children and a wife. She enjoys watching her kids play sports. Suzanne just finished her last round of chemotherapy last week!!! What a huge accomplishment!

She found out about Faces of Cancer through CanCare. I was so excited about meeting her. Before we met I went out to her website she has to keep friends and family updated. You can go out to her site to read more on her,
I was so impressed with what I read, she said " I am bald, brow less, but not broken."

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Welcome to my new blog!!!!

Thanks to Rita at Coffeeshop Designs for making this blog! She did a great job and on top of that had to deal with me not knowing a thing about designing a blog. I'm so excited that my clients for Faces of Cancer can come out to this exciting blog and enjoy looking at their pictures! Thank you Rita!
CoffeeShop Designs