Monday, April 5, 2010

Ah....ha Moments

When I first had the idea to take photos of the faces of cancer I thought to myself that this would be a nice thing to do for others. As it turns out this is a very nice thing others can do for me. I find that the more I get involved with cancer the more I learn about myself and what it really means to serve others. I think to myself is this my talent I want to share or is this a talent my Heavenly Father gave to me to share with others. I believe this is a talent that Heavenly Father gave to me so that I could share it with others.

I have enjoyed being involved with the cancer community! It really puts things into perspective, like whats petty and whats important. Seeing people fight for their lives or hearing stories of children fighting for their lives really opens my eyes to what I am willing to make a fuss over or just say who cares. I am finding myself to be less offended by others and more understanding ( or saying who cares).

I am enjoying this journey very much! I am so excited about being involved with a foundation called CanCare. They truly know what it is people need in their lives. I have learned more from them in the past few months then I have learned in the past few years. I'm not sure if that is sad or if CanCare is just that amazing, maybe it's both.

When I die it wont matter what car I drove, how big my house was or even how much money I had in my banking account. What will matter is was I a good mother and wife and did I serve others. It's the relationships I build that I will take with me, not my earthly possessions. In the world we live in today it can be hard to remember those things but I try to remind myself often.

I am far from perfect and make mistakes daily but I am trying my hardest. I know my Heavenly Father knows my heart. When I return to him I want him to be proud of me. Life can be messy but we must try out hardest to clean it up before we return to live with him again.


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